Addictions come in all forms and are often coping mechanisms that are used when we haven’t learned or developed healthy coping skills to deal with stress or pain. Many who fall into the trap of addiction believe that what they are doing isn’t hurting anyone else. And unfortunately, that mistaken belief is what fuels the isolation and secrecy of addictive behaviors. Specialized Addiction Therapy / Addiction Counseling can help.
"fueling the isolation and secrecy of addictive behaviors"
Behavioral Addictions
The longer the addictive behavior continues, the more deeply ingrained it becomes and it always has consequences that will impact many, if not all areas of life. What feels like freedom becomes a prison.
Experts continue to research how addiction happens and the effects of addictive behaviors on the brain. But it is thought that one main thing that all addictions have in common is the initial dopamine release in the brain that happens when we engage in the behavior that is fueling the addiction. Dopamine is thought to be one of the reward chemicals in the brain that reinforces feelings of pleasure.
Substance Addictions
In the case of substance addiction, it is believed by current experts that when someone engages in addictive behaviors continuously, the brain becomes overstimulated, and it tries to compensate by reducing the dopamine receptors and production which builds up what is termed tolerance. The brain, then, believes it needs more of the addictive substance in order to feel the “high” so this triggers the craving for more.
Addiction to substances is a very serious medical condition that requires medical supervision for monitoring during detoxification. If you or someone you love is experiencing serious side effects of substance use, abuse, or addiction, always call 911 during a medical emergency and seek qualified medical help to safely detox.
Counseling & Therapy for Addictions
For both addiction to substances and behavioral addictions, a qualified and caring local therapist can help those who suffer from addiction to find root causes of their behavior and develop healthy thinking patterns and coping skills to deal with stress and pain. Our offices are locally based in Orange County and we would be happy to assist with professional therapy and counseling services.
